Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Wednesday 22 April 2009

She needs to find herself back!

In every phase of a person’s life, things will change. It is either good or bad. I am not sure what is happening to me right now at this phase of life. There are too many things to consider from studies to family to work and etc. Actually I felt quite useless and a shame of myself because I have not started working yet. Everyone is at the same age as me are actually earning their own money.

Since I came back to UK, I turned into an anti social girl. I was not the happy go lucky girl anymore. I try to stay away from people. I spend most of the time in my room doing my essays. I will only go out if I am forced too. The only place I go to is the park. Sound so dreadful and miserable.

Yesterday, one of my mate pop into my room for a one to one talk. He asked what is going on. So I thought what is going on? I said nothing. He said that all of them think that I am a totally different person now and not the Vanessa that they used to know.

I said “Do I look more grumpy and quiet?”. He said “Yes. You used to be very talkative and loud but now…”You are just so quiet”.

The only reason I gave to him was “I am stress with workloads”. Yes, I am really stressed with the assignments I have on hand. I spend one whole day writing up just a few hundred words of conclusion. I wrote six times but none of it sounds like a conclusion. Until now, there is still no conclusion for the essay.

I don’t know what is wrong. I miss my family so much. I feel so empty right now. Each time I look at my family photo, tears will roll down on my cheek. I wondered where the laughter has gone.

Where is the phuisan who use to laugh the loudest? I don’t know. I am still wondering.



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