Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Sunday 15 February 2009

What will you do if you could turn back time?

I talked to my cousin and we were talking about the things that we did when we were young. Though we weren’t brought up together, we spend Saturdays together in my grandpa house because my parents have to work.

I told her that I wish I could turn back the old clock and be small again. She asked me a very good question:

“What will you if you could turn back time?” Without any thinking, I told her “Ah kong and ah po cook, the prawns chicken duck mushrooms and vegetables. Everyone come home for dinner at the house in Pekeliling”.

She said “I don’t care about my results and spm, All I want is to thank ah kong for raising me up.”

I started crying and thinking about my grandpa. She told me that “She knows ah kong is very happy now, because I am studying in UK and everyone is working and in good health.” I really miss him especially the food that he cooks for us during the festive season.

Last time, every Saturday at about 9.30 am, he will be sitting at home waiting for me and my brother call and then pick us up at the bus stop. My dad’s office is nearby to where ah kong used to stay. Then three of us with my two cousins’ sister will walk to the market opposite the flats to have breakfast. First we will have rat noodle soup (lou shee fun) with fish balls. After that we will have either soya bean or tau fu fah. Then we will all go home.

Then we will all stay in the room jumping on the bed that ah kong made with his bare hands. He will be watching Justice pau in the living room. For lunch, he will either make meehoon with soup or fried nian kou. If he is not at home, ah po will make us minced pork ball porridge.

Though the house is not a massive house, we had fun time there. At least it keeps us all warm and is a place where all the family gathers during the festive seasons. But now, we hardly have the time to sit together to have a proper dinner during festive seasons. My family and Yvonne’s family will be there but some people will always MIA.

Grandpa is now staying with the angels and shining brightly in the sky to guide us through our life. We no longer stay in the old house because the government wants to tear down all the building and turn the place into another golden triangle. If you know where is Bulatan Pahang or Jalan Tun Razak, the big bus stop station near Vistana Hotel, the flat is right directly opposite there. My cousin said that the building is still there.

We no longer stay there. We shifted to Sri Rampai in Genting Klang. Now the house is like a resort. If we don’t have water or electricity in our own house, then we will go to the Rampai’s Holiday house to shower or whatever.

My uncle who opens steamboat shop really make used of the house. When he is tired, he will go back to rampai to sleep. When he is extremely free, he will mop the floor and clean the house.

Charmaine and Yvonne, at least the house was vacant when the landslide happened in Bkt Antarabangsa.

I really miss those times. It was a great one.

What will you do if you could turn back time? Share with me. Drop me a message or write a comment.

Love you



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i will take advantages from the future that i know

20 February 2009 at 09:56  

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