Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Thursday 12 February 2009

Class dah Start

Corporate law and Strategy

I am not worry about this module because this semester we will be studying topics which I am familiar such as insolvency, money laundering, floating and fixed charge and insider dealings. I have studied some of this before in advance diploma and I have been reading Student Accountant. So I am considered up to date with all this topics so I will be able to cope with it.

As for presentation, I managed to ask Jim to allow me to present the day before I fly back to Malaysia. The presentation was supposed to be on the 26th March but I can’t make it. There is another essay that will be due in 7 of May of it would not be a problem because I will be taking my books back to KL. I know what you guys are thinking. Let me guess, “You think you will do your work ah. Don’t be crazy carrying the books back and forth.”

Alternative Dispute Resolutions

No idea what is the assignment this time. Hopefully it will be something not so hard but something interesting.

Intellectual Property

This module is giving me hell this time. I have no idea what it is all about. All I know that IP is trademark, copyrights, patents and breach of confidence. When the lecturer started talking, my brain went blank and black. I didn’t know that one patent can lead to another copy rights. For instance, CDs distributions there can be a lot of things involved from copy rights for lyrics to trademark distribution.

Half way through the class, I felt so stress up. My dad was right this time. He said I should not choose this module as I know nothing about it. By the end of the class, I have second thoughts of this module. So I asked one question “Will I make fortune of money if I know about Intellectual Property Law?” The lecturer said “You will earn a lot.” That’s my main concern. As long as there is money, then I will just do it irrespective of the level of toughness and the hardship that I will have to go through.

There is a presentation that we are supposed to do. He said that it will be in March. I was like…what the hell! So I told him that I need to cabut back to Malaysia on 13 March and have to do the presentation before the 13. Thank God he said yes and will arrange for me.

Stressss Gila



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