Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Sunday 8 February 2009

As promised.. Snow Snow Snow

Last week Monday, it was snowing quite heavily like cats and dogs. We couldn’t get out of the house. All the transportation were halted. It is a good time for the children because the schools were forced to shut down due to the extreme snow condition. For the economy, it was bad because everyone is staying at home and the UK’s economy made a huge loss. As for the employees, it was a good chance for them to take leave. For the youngster and dogs, it was a good time for sledging and skiing.

For me, it was my first time experiencing real snow even though I have been to winter countries. The roads and cars were covered with snow. There was no one on the street. I went out to the park with Lauren for a walk. We were walking under the thick snow about 10 t0 15cm. It was really cold and chilly. I was all wet and covered with snow too.

These are some of the photos that I took when I went to the park.

Looks like outer space..isn't it? The UFO shining bright

Look at the tree. Almost Naked and covered with snow bitsss...

I love this. Don't You?

SHiverrringg... but managed to put on a smile

Lauren. She drag-ged me to the park..

Preparing for Snow BALL fight.

Can you see my name? 'San'

Trying to do angel shape. But mission failed. So just lied down and enjoyed the snow.

When I am typing this post, it is snowing outside. It just started to snow. I wonder when it will stop but it is really cool to have snow. My class was cancelled on Thursday because of the snow. I miss the sun in Malaysia.

While UK is having thick snow, Australia is having heat wave. Weird!

Loads of Love



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