Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Monday 2 February 2009

Sun or Snow. Mini Mini Mini More...

It is snowing heavily across UK. In Sheffield, it is snowing like crazy. I have been to cold countries but this is time is really fun. It started to snow on Sunday afternoon and I was amaze with it. It was just a light snow.

But during the night it was really heavy. John and I were sitting side by side looking out at the window. I insist that he close the window but he refused. So he held me tight to keep me warm. It was really great looking at the snow fall. According to the news, this is the worst winter since 18 years back.

These are some of the pictures taken from Sunday afternoon till Monday.

Sunday 01-02-2009 11 am
Still clear but a little chilly

Sunday 01/02
Snowed heavily. Roads and car covered with snow

Monday 02/02 1.45 am
In less than 5 minutes Sharrowvale road was covered with snow

Monday 02/02 3 am
Nate's car covered with snow so do Hickmott road

Monday 02/02 11am
When I woke up

Monday 02/02 1.50 pm
Snowed like cats and dogs. Cars couldn't move. Massive jams.

Monday 02/02 3.30 pm -4 celcius
Roads empty. No one is one the road. Super cold.

The whole Sheffield blanketed with snow.

More pictures to come. I went out to the park to play snowball. Stay tuned for the catching blog. So much to share with you all.

Sun or Snow



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