Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Monday 16 February 2009

One hundred and 2 things about Me!

1. I am trying to deep deeper into my inner self to find out who is YEOH PHUI SAN

2. I learn something new about myself every day.

3. I am extremely stubborn

4. I will never let go unless I get it

5. I am a goal driven person

6. I am very competitive

7. I am a big time bitch

8. I am a good listener

9. I spend at least 8 hours a day on consulting others

10. I am a big time HK dramas fan

11. I love being punctual

12. I hate people who brag

13. I love procrastinator lastminutedotcom

14. I love being myself

15. I hate pretenders

16. I can sit in front of my laptop for hours

17. I can stay at home for a few days without going out

18. I love water

19. I love my family

20. I love to flirt

21. I hate my skin

22. I love tan and toned up sexy guys

23. I love to study (Msc in Forensic accountings and Msc Political Science and Graduate diploma in Law)

24. I want to have my own accounting firm (Big 7 or 8)

25. I love shoes clothes and bags

26. I cannot live without air

27. I need laughter to survive

28. I need guys in my daily life

29. I love people who accidentally bump into my life

30. I hate people who leave without a message

31. I hate myself for hurting him

32. I hate to be 50:50

33. I love to be in control

34. I hate mood spoiler

35. I am a good mood spoiler

36. I want a tan and tone body

37. I can cry at any time or place

38. I don’t care what people say about me

39. I like to make people jealous

40. I love my friends very much

41. I don’t believe in marriage

42. I love fruits

43. I can be insane at times

44. I can be very vulgar

45. I can’t sleep if I don’t read a book

46. I love reading my old diaries

47. I hate to brush people off

48. I won’t step out of the house if I don’t wash my hair

49. I love to break rules

50. I love to be clean

51. I hate pest

52. I want to be the most powerful person on earth

53. I don’t believe in best friends

54. I pray before I step out of the house and sleep

55. I spend one hour every morning to dress up

56. I iron all my clothes from pajamas to going out clothes

57. I hate to hate people

58. I am a happy go bubbly girl

60. I am an easy go lucky girl

61. I check email every morning before I brush my teeth

62. I like to have my own time

63. I hate people who don’t respect me

64. I always wonder why

65. I like to ask stupid but meaningful question

66. I always question about love

67. I always think about death

68. I love to be pampered

69. I like to be center of attention maybe attraction

70. I am happy with what I have now

71. I don’t give in easily

72. I always think twice before I talk or act

73. I am important to my family and friends

74. I like the way I am now

75. I hate to disappoint myself

76. I love to solve problems

77. I can be clueless

78. I prefer to listen than talk

79. I love my smile

80. I miss dad mum bro and sis a lot

81. I can’t sleep without my doggy

82. I prefer one word answer

83. I hate explanations

84. I always wonder why people think I am attached

85. I am looking for a way to break the walls

86. I love to observe

87. I am a born leader

88. I love compliments

89. I hate to hurt people

90. I love volunteering work

91. I want to die in peace

92. I like being simple

92. I love complicated things

93. I love heated arguments

94. I hate to lose

95. I love to know bits of everything

96. I like guys who love me more than anything else

97. I don’t mind watching football games

98. I want my family and everyone to live forever

99. I hate it when people pronounce my Chinese name wrongly

100. I am evil and wicked

101. I don’t eat pork not because I am a Muslim

102. I love you

Part two: Coming Soon

PhuiSan yEOh


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