Phuisan's Life

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Sunday 23 November 2008

Worth it to share with everyone

Yesterday, I spoke to one of my really old friend. I have not been talking to her for ages. I think I met her once before I left to UK to pass her some law books. She was studying for some law papers for ACCA. By the way, her name is How Yee. I have known her since primary school. In secondary school, we were in the same class. Though we wasn’t that close but it was great knowing her.

After talking to her, I think is a girl with real guts and extremely daring because she dares to take up challenges. I know after SPM, she did STPM and went to Sabah to take up some Computer courses. I didn’t know what happen but I know that she came back to KL. The she told me that she was doing ACCA. She told me that accountings are not her cup of tea but her dad insists that she should take up ACCA.

When I know her during my high school time, I expect her to be a scientist or do anything which is related to science. She is really good in science and maths. Yesterday, I asked her what paper she will be taking in December because I thought of lending her some notes. Guess what she told me? She said that she quit ACCA. I was surprised but not that surprise.

Finally she had the guts to let her dad know that she doesn’t want to take up ACCA and want to do engineering instead. We had some discussion about the age and what people think of her decision. Many people think that it is stupid to take up engineering now and give up on ACCA since she had been spending two years completing some of the papers.

I don’t agree with them. If the field of study is not your cup of tea, why force yourself to do something that you don’t like. I told her that she is old enough to decide what she want to do and should go after her dreams. Don’t let the others opinion to affect her decision or shatter her hopes in studying engineering.

She is doing Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Tell me which girl in this world will ever take up this course. There is a minority of girls who take up this course. I really salute her for her braveness and guts. People say that Engineering is not suitable for girls because girls are not meant to be engineers. Girls are supposed to take up something more girlish. But who cares.

How yee, don’t bother what the rest tell you. As long as you are happy with what you are doing now, just go ahead with it. There is no time for you to look back. There is lot of obstacles that you have to go through. Life is not easy. If there are no challenges in life, then it is not life.

All the best and good luck in everything you do. I will give you my full moral support. Hope to see you as a famous engineer in 10 years time. I have faith and trust in you. Take care.



P/S: How yee, I hope that you will read this post.


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