Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Sunday 16 November 2008

Just for you

This is dedicated to my irritating sometimes adorable pest stubborn cute smart darling sister.


Before I go any further, I owe you this. Thank you so much. Without you I wouldn’t have received the birthday card from my kakis. I know that you did a lot even though it is just an address. I was surprised because I didn’t give my new address to any of them. I know that you are pakating with them to send me the GBP 20 for the new coat. Thanks so much, ah moy.

I read the post that you wrote for me in your blog. I really like it and I didn’t expect you to put up some pictures. You should have put the latest pictures. That will make it looks nicer. Anyway, thanks for the effort you put in. The post really makes me cry. I cried not because I was sad but I was really happy and it was tears of joy. I like the way you write and describe about me. You shouldn’t have put my age cuase it makes me look old and the whole world knows my age now. You make me feel lonelier here.

I definitely remember those times when we hang out together on Sundays. You and ah kor always lengang and wake up late. Every Sundays I have to wake up at 6.30 to wait for the maid to come and then have to supervise her. I miss the char koay teow, ttf, rice at brickfields, and those foods that we eat. When I come back, then I will pick you up from school every day, then we go makan together. Hopefully I still can drive at that time. I think I forgot how to drive. I will only be in kl for 10 days. So I have to plan my time properly because I might need to go down to Melaka and Penang.

Maybe I should ponteng for two weeks. Then I can have more time to hang out with everyone. What you think? I won’t be going back to Malaysia, maybe for about 3 years or more.

I know that you have been doing a lot of things behind my back which are all good things. Thanks for sorting out things for me.

I know that you are very eager to come to UK this January for holiday and most importantly to pay me a visit. You have been pestering me to check the details for the trip and you also did some work by checking the air fare when dad said that the fare has raise. You said that when everything is confirmed means everything will be fine and you will be officially coming to UK. I will try to sort it out soon.

Talking about our big gap, it is not that big after all. Some people have 13 years gap which is even massive. Lucky we can clique together if not we will be quarrelling day and night. About my bears, I miss J-elle and Giffy so much. I have a picture of them in my handphone. So even if you don’t show it to me through webcam, I can still see them from my handphone.

I know that you officially have the room now. It is no more YEOH PHUI SAN’s room. Paint it any color you like but please not pink. Red is acceptable. I would suggest red, purple or blue. Then on top of the ceiling you can put the glow in the dark starts and moons. This is even cooler than just plain color. Good idea?

I know you learn how to drive and please bear in mind it is illegal. You are not 17 or 18 yet. Please take care of the car; anyway the car will be yours in two years time. Ah kor will get Prado. Mum n pa will have Camry or his soon going to get BMW. You will have the MYVI. I have the airplane since I will be flying back and forth. I know is lame but is damn cool.

Not many people have dinner manners like the three of us. I bet you down call anymore before you makan unless ah kor is at home. Now you can have the chair. No one is going to fight with you.

I hope that you like the things that I bought for you. Though it is not solid, but I promise that I will get something solid for you on your birthday.

This is a long post. Thanks for everything and anything. Please don’t cry. I know you will be crying halfway reading trough the post. Hahahaha.

I can’t wait to attend the convocation too. Make sure you get some nice dress or top to wear to the convo. Then Sunny Boy said that he will help me to take photos. So he might join us at Shangrila Hotel. I can’t wait to go up the stage and get the certificate. Finally….

I love you


Super annoying smart ass YEOH PHUI SAN


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