Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Saturday 15 November 2008

Crying could be ...

A lot of people out there always say that I am a very strong and tough girl. They know that I will be able to go through all the obstacles in life. It is not easy. Yongkit name me as the Human Right Lady.

Though I might be strong, I can cry for the smallest and silliest thing on earth. Sometimes when I read some sad stories or watch some sad shows, I admit I do cry. In my life there are a few people who can actually make me cry. I keep telling others I am not a cry baby but in fact I am a cry baby.

I remembered when my visa got rejected, I cried in front of the officer in the Home Office. You would probably say “Yerrr, phuisan tak tau malu. Dare to cry in front of the officer”. When I am really down and if I really cannot take it, then I will start crying.

This year I have been crying a lot and most of it is all sad stuffs. The worst was in the month of September. If there is any award for “The Cry Baby of The Month” I would definitely win the award.

You can cry for good stuff. That is good. If you cry because you are sad, this is horrible. Crying can be really tiring. Don't waste your tears on rubbish. Cry for the joy and happiness.

Cry Baby




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