Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Friday 14 November 2008

My 22nd Birthday

This year birthday is really different from the rest of the years. You all should know why.

This is my first

- Birthday in England

- Time celebrating alone

- Time without a birthday cake

Though there are three first times, but there are some wonderful things that happen. I was in Bristol on my birthday. The first thing when I woke up, I saw 5 texts from my darlings who didn’t forget about my birthday. They are my real darlings.

Special thanks to SiowYiing, Lauren, GinHooi, and ChiouYee, LeaJoo, SinLi and Zeehui. Thanks for the text message.

Thanks to KaiXin and Yvonne. Thanks for the email. Give me some time to reply your email.

To SitYee, HuiLing, Vivian, MingHowe and Brian, thanks for the birthday message in Friendster.

To Marianne, Chingyee, PoLeen, Joyce and Victor, thanks for the message in Facebook.

To Henry and Mikio, thanks for the birthday wishes from Msn. Henry Lum Chen Hong forgot about my birthday. He wished me 4 days after my birthday. I am thinking whether I should forgive you or not. I want a big dinner when I go back as a replacement.

To Charmaine, thanks for the early birthday message.

To Mum Pa and PK, thanks for everything. Especially to dad and mum, thanks for arranging the trip for me. It was wonderful and great. I hope that I could celebrate with you all.

Yeoh KhaI Loon – Not sure whether to forgive you or not. I was sad because I didn’t receive your wishes on the 10TH. I assumed that you forgot about it. Yes, you did and you only wish me on the next day. Lucky you said sorry for the late message. I bet it was either mum or dad who asked whether you wished me or not.

Jeff, thanks for the early message. I was kind of disappointed when you wished me earlier. The day when you wished me was 9Th November. You said it was silap masa. I was really upset. You keep saying that you didn’t get it wrong for these past few years and you saw the time wrongly. Anyway, I forgive you because I am nothing to you. I am just another dust in your life.

Lauren and Nathan, thanks for the gift. They are my housemates. They bought me chocolates and some perfume. They know that I am crazy over chocolates. It is from Thornton.

Gift from Lauren and Nathan

If you have been keeping up with my blog, I guarantee you saw the post titled “Greedy PhuiSan”. Zeehui managed to convinced and persuade me to accept their gift. All the mischievous darlings and dudes, pakat to get a pool of fund to get me the purple jacket. I have to say yes. I will mention it in the later post.

To those that I forgot to mention in this blog, please forgive me. Let me know and I will post another special post for you. Thanks.

Hope all my wishes will come true. I wish that everyone will clear their ACCA papers in this December sitting, best of luck, always in good health, things will run smoothly and most importantly is that I LOVE YOU!




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