Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Tuesday 4 November 2008

What A Day

Today is not my day at all. So many damn problems occurred today and I managed to solve one with my mum’s help. If not, I will be doomed.

Good News: Passport

I received an email stating that my passport is back from the HOME OFFICE. I am OFFICIALLY a Student in UK with Student VISA. I AM NOT ILLEGAL ANYMORE. Hahaha. I can officially get a JOB.

Things didn’t go smoothly today. Not that bad actually. I am just exaggerating but it was really bad.

Air ticket

As you know that I plan to fly back to KL on March 13 to attend convo on March 15. Then have a week holiday until 24 March. It was a lovely plan until I called up STA this morning. “The flight on 13 March is fully book”. “There is flight on 14 March”. I can’t fly back on March 14 because I will only reach on 15 and I can’t afford to miss the graduation ceremony.

Plan B. To fly back on 6TH March then fly back to Manchester on 17 March. Should I ponteng two weeks or just one week? So damn hard to decide. Hopefully there is flight on the 6th. If not, then I will cancel the whole plan. It means I won’t go back anymore. What you think?

Trip to Manchester – is CANCELLED

The trip is still on but I won’t be going to Manchester. I thought I can spend a few days in Manchester. I will be going down straight to Bristol on Sunday morning. The good thing is I have Friday and Saturday to do my assignment or have my birthday celebration on Friday at TGI Friday.

Train ticket

This is the first time I book train ticket. If he is beside me and know that I don’t know how to book, he will be calling me BODOH. Then the Bodoh Fight will begin.

So I just simply click. After selecting the journey, then I have to make my payment. I decided to use credit card to pay because dad will be paying for the expenses and I am broke now. The ticket cost me £33.50.

After inserting all the credit card details, they want some clarification. So I entered the information twice and it said “YOUR ACCOUNT IS LOCKED”. I WAS LIKE…what the Hell.. What am I supposed to do? Call public bank? I called my mum because she is the financial controller at home and she knows everything which has to do with the bank. She called up the customer service. Then she said that she will teach me how to log in that information. THANKS mUM

So I tried a few times and they deny my access. I feel so shit and horrible. I tried another train service provider. Thank God I managed to key in the information. Everything is settled and I will be going down to Bristol on Sunday.

Guess what. The train journey from Sheffield to Bristol is 4 and the half hours. This is freaking long.

Bodoh Relief



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