Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Friday 31 October 2008

Things that happened

Class started at 10am as usual. For the past two weeks, I didn’t have to attend Jim’s class at 10 because he was in India.

We talked about the social party this Saturday. My Cyprus friends will be cooking kebab. I thought of cooking some Chinese food. Sean requested for fried rice and must be extra spicy and hot. There will be loads of alcoholic drinks.

I just realize that I am the youngest in the class. Sean asked me how old am I. So I said will be 22 in 10 days time. “What!!You are only 22? You are the baby in the class.” The oldest in the class is in his forties with kids. In the UK, if you want your friends to organize birthday party for you, you would need to reveal your age.

My topic for my dissertation is approved. Topic ”Emergent of Corporate Governance”. Sound cool and interesting, right?

More assignment deadlines to come. Four essays will need to be handed up in the last week of January. It means I can’t fly back to Malaysia to celebrate CNY.

Change of presentation date. I was supposed to do a presentation next week but it postponed to 20th of November but I still have to do another presentation on 6th for Contract.

I asked my course leader, Jim whether we have anything important in March or not. I told him that I want to go back to Malaysia to attend convocation. He says that it is fine to go back and will keep a copy of notes for me. So it means that I am officially going back to attend convocation on March 15.

It was super dark when my class ended at 6.30pm. It is like 10pm at night. I walked home alone and it was freaking cold. Luckily I remembered to take my gloves and scarf out with me today if not I will be freezing.

This is the first time I didn’t cook dinner on Thursday. I was too lazy to cook and have no idea what to cook. So I decided to eat instant noodles. To make it healthier, I decided to add in some cabbage. On my way to kitchen, my housemate said that he will be getting some fish and chips. So I decided to eat fish and chips instead of instant noodles. It cost me 1.90 quid with baked beans. Yummy.

It’s Halloween night today. I won’t be going for any trick or treat. Just want to stay in my room, watch dramas and most importantly AT LEAST WRITE SOMETHING FOR THE ASSIGNMENTS!!!!

Happy Halloween





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