Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Saturday 8 November 2008

Something that I really need to share

Today is only 7TH November 2008. There is nothing special today and no special anniversary. I went home after shopping. House was quite messy so I decided to do arrange back the shoes and chairs in the living room. The kitchen towel was on the chair so I lifted it up and saw a yellow envelope. So I took a closer look at the envelope:





S11 8ZH


The first thing that comes into my mind is that the writing looks very familiar. I told myself this could not be a letter from University. I looked at the stamp and it is a Malaysia stamp. I knew that writing is zeehui’s writing. Gal, I can easily recognize your writing!

I immediately open the card and I couldn’t believe with it my own bare eyes. It is a birthday card. My birthday is three days away. I was like…Goodness Gracious. It was unbelievable.

I saw a lot of special message dedicated to me. As I read the messages is started crying. It was all tears of delight and joy.

There were a few messages that caught my attention and I really like it.

1. Chiouyee

“Remember the difficulties you meet, will resolve themselves as you advance, proceed and light will dawn:

2. Siowyiing

“Don’t drink too much alcoholic drinks ar..”

3. YongKit

“It’s 10th Nov, a day worth celebrating, not with beer and drunkness, but filled with love and wishes, from the ones who care for you in Malaysia”

This last one is really amazing. She gave 22 wishes. Just to pick a few,

4. Zeehui

“Superb Blog” “Passionate Dreams” “Outstanding Thoughts” “Romantic Love Life”

The unique message is from leajoo which is just 4 chinese characters “Sen Re Kuai Le”

One sentence that I love the most “From: All of us Who Love you”

A special thanks to all my darlings and babes,

Wailim, Chiouyee, Siowyiing, Sinli, Wendy, Leajoo, Pohquin, Yongkit, Zeehui

Thanks for the card. Though I can’t celebrate my birthday with you guys but it was really great to receive a birthday card from you guys. It is the most wonderful present I received this year. This is also my first card and present. Thanks a lot. I am lost with words and have no idea what to say.

I love you




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