Phuisan's Life

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Friday 14 November 2008


Maidstone is located in North Kent. I stayed in Aunty Violet’s house and she is a good cook. Her cooking was simply delicious. She took us to Sainsbury to shop. The Sainsbury is a big one and not the small Sains in Sheffield.

I didn’t really go out in Maidstone. I spend most of the time slouching on the couch. Maidstone is suitable for the old people. The place is not congested and is still green. There is a few retail shops such as Mataland and Lidly. We don’t have these two shops in Sheffield. Mataland is similar to Primark which sells designer clothes on a cheap price and according to Aunty Violet; the quality of product is much better than Primark.

Lidly is a German supermarket. The food there are most imported from German but the price is reasonable.

I managed to go online in her house. I had a nice time in the house because I don’t need to cook and wash the dishes. Aunty Violet will do the cooking. Every meal, she will make us to finish up all the food. She always says “If you all don’t finish the food, then I won’t cook tomorrow”. We have no choice but to finish up everything. Thank god all the dishes are vegetables and mushrooms. As for the plates and cutlery, it will be washed up by the dish washer. I wished I could have a dish washer in my house so that I can goyang kaki after my meals.

During dinner, Uncle Richard will have wine without a miss. Aunty Violet said that this is the first time a Chinese lady in their house having wine. It was a good stay as everything just goes smoothly. I don’t need to rush to catch the bus and life was peaceful and less hectic.

I think it is a great holiday before I start with doing my assignments. I enjoyed my stay even though I didn’t go around in Maidstone. The night before I left, I realize that my secondary schoolmate ChinFai is also staying nearby which is at Bickley. I am not sure where the place is. If he told me earlier, then I would probably meet up with him. I will try my best to meet him the next time I go down.

Uncle Richard, Aunty Violet and Aunty Leong, thanks for the stay, food and trip. It was a wonderful trip. Thanks for offering me a stay in the future. I can go to her house anytime but I need to give her a notice in advance.

Myself, Aunty Violet and Uncle Richard

Myself and Aunty (Known as Mdm Leong to my family)




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