Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Friday 14 November 2008


This is not a trip. It was just a stop by to wait for my next train. I cut my trip to 6 days and didn’t tour around London. I was getting lazy and slouchy so I decided to get back to Sheffield.

I was supposed to take the train from Maidstone to London. Then from London back to Sheffield. So I have one hour to hang around in St Pancras, London before I hop to the next train to Sheffield. So I just walk around the station. It is really congested and the air is really polluted. The people there are so busy and always on the fast track. I don’t like the polluted environment.

I feel so odd in the train station today and please don’t ask me why. I managed to find my way out and get to the right station and hop into the right train. I was worried at first but I managed to ask a round for some help.

I managed to capture a few pictures. It was all random shots. I wanted to take a picture but was lazy to ask for help so I took it by myself. The policeman saw me and he gave me a weird stare. He walked past and I started giggling in my heart.

One thing that I don’t understand is why there are so many clock towers in London. Is it because the people in London don’t wear watch or is it because the people in London are not punctual so they need a lot of clock tower to remind them about the time. Can anyone tell me? LoL

I will be going to London when I have the free time. I don’t like to travel alone. I love to travel with my family. Since they are coming this January, then I rather wait for them instead of hanging around in London alone.

Look at the people on the street. So BUSY

I like this pic. Not sure why?

That's not Big Ben

Outside the St Pancras Station. It is not Pancreas

Part of the station

Cheers and Regards


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