Phuisan's Life

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Wednesday 19 November 2008


Just some random stuff about UK but it is really interesting and amazing.

Rubbish Bin

In Malaysia, we will just throw the rubbish into the bin and the rubbish man collector will pick it up. For those staying in terrace house, you wouldn’t need to drag your bin our and put it outside. The man will automatically take it and empty the bin.

In UK here, you will be informed when the rubbish man collector is coming. In my area, the rubbish man collector will come on Wednesday morning. So on the Tuesday night; we will have to drag our bin out to the roadside. If you don’t drag it out, the rubbish collector will not empty the bin for you. Thus, it is our duty to drag the bin out. If not, your bin will be full and no one will empty it for you.

Another thing, the rubbish truck here is clean unlike those trucks in Malaysia. In Malaysia, the trucks are dirty and smelly. In UK, the trucks are clean and it is not smelly at all.

Taking a bus ride

In Malaysia, you will have to give the exact bus fare or you will not get your change back. In UK, it is fine if you don’t have the exact amount because the bus driver will give you the change.

The bus drivers here are not rude and very friendly. The bus drivers in Malaysian are like devil. People here have very good manners. Each time when we get up the bus, we will greet the bus driver. When he get down the bus, we will say “Thank you” or “Cheers”. I think this will make the bus driver to provide better service.


There are a lot of doors in UK building especially in my campus. Each time when we open the door, we will hold it for the next person and we will say thank you or cheers. In Malaysia, I would probably let the door go and don’t care about the next person who wants to pass by. I always get scolding from my parents because of this. But now I learn to hold the door.


In Malaysia, most of the cashiers are very grumpy and rude. The make it as if like we owe them and they are the boss. In fact, we are the boss and they are the workers. Some don’t even greet and say thank you at all.

In UK, when it is your turn to pay, they will greet you “How are you?” or “How is your day? Is everything fine?”

When you have settled your payment and want to leave the counter, the cashier will say “Please come again” “Thank You” “Have a nice day” “See you”. It really makes your day a better day to enjoy.

You will only get this type of service if you shop at the Pavilion or The Gardens. Agree?

I think it will be good if we can cultivate this culture in Malaysia. Then Malaysia will officially be known as “Citizens with First world Mentality” instead as being call as “First class infrastructure but third world Mentality”. Sometimes it is really a shame to be a Malaysians but I am proud to be a Malaysian. (I think)

If Malaysians will ever have this culture, I think something must be wrong with the Malaysians. I don’t mean all Malaysians are rude, but it will be damn cool if everyone respects each another and there should not be racial discrimination. Everyone should be treated fairly and equal.

I really do hope that Malaysian can adopt this culture. It won’t happen for now but I really hope to see a brand new Malaysia in 20 years time.

Malaysians, Good Luck!




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