Phuisan's Life

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Friday 21 November 2008

Sometimes life can be full with surprises - Studies

Lifting the Veil – Essay

On Tuesday, I sent my essay to Jim for him to sketch through. I was fed up and got stuck half way on the essay. I give up and decided to stop writing. I wasn’t sure whether I was in the right path or not. On Wednesday, I didn’t bother to look at the essay and hopefully it will be fine.

I met Jim today and asked about my essay. It was fine and I was on the right path. He said I can really write very well. I was pleased with his comments. Obviously, I feel damn BANGGA!!!

I can now finish the last part and I am aiming for 70 and above for this essay. I really hope that it will work out well.

Legal research Method – Presentation

Everyone knows that I am a daring gal. I will try anything in this world if I have the guts. Two months back we had to decide on who wants to do the first presentation. Everyone was looking at each another with a blank stare trying to avoid of becoming the first presenter.

I volunteer myself and became the first presenter. Presentation is not something new to me as those of you who know me well, you should know my style. The challenge is the topic. I had to decide on my dissertation topic and present it in the seminar.

My topic is Emergence of Corporate Governance. I did my presentation today. I have prepared before hand on what I plan to write in my dissertation. It was a free style presentation. No power point, no formal wear and no need to stand up. It is so coooolll.

Before the class end, I asked her about my marks. I said “I hope that I will get above 40” because this presentation weighs a 50%. She said “Don’t worry, you will get above 40”.

I think it was great and brilliant. Becoming the first presenter has less privilege because you can’t do the presentation again and will make some mistakes. The following presenters will ensure that they do not repeat the same mistake and try to make their presentation more impressive.

One thing: I have never doubt on my presentation. I am always confident with what I do and with my own style. Some might think that I am crazy and couldn’t care much but this is my way.

Hopefully I can get first class since I missed my chance in BA HONS.





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