Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Waiting for your Arrival

I was doing my work today and Ms. Geh messaged me. She said “If everything goes well, I will be in Manchester on 27 and 28 Feb”. I immediately check the calendar to find out which day it is. It is the Friday and Saturday. Just the right time because is not on Thursday.

I was so happy and it was so cool. She told me before that she will be coming in February and we can have fish and chips together. She will be here for some ACCA teacher’s conference. I told her that I don’t feel home sick anymore. She knows that I am really enjoying myself here.

I said that I can meet her in Manchester and she said she can meet me in Sheffield. She is not sure whether she will be here alone or with another lecturer. I am so eager to meet her because I have so many things to tell her. I bet both of us can talk nonstop.

She said that she told Ms Kho that I am doing my Master in Sheffield. Ms Kho said is good. I am not sure whether Ms Kho will be coming with Ms Geh or not.

She even wants to bring her video camera to do some recording. I am not sure what she wants me to say. But I will definitely want her to pass some message to my juniors. I them to know that it is not a waste coming to UK for 3 months and don’t be influence by those seniors that didn’t come to Sheffield.

She will let me know about the details of her trip soon. I am praying very hard and hope that everything will go well and she will be here on 27 and 28 February.

In the month of February, it is going to be a busy month for me. On the first week of Feb, my parents will be here and we are going to Scotland and London. End of the month, Ms Geh will be here. This is going to be so fun.

I can’t wait to see you.




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