Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Greedy PhuiSan - My Birthday Gift

It is never too late to get me a birthday gift now. You can either buy me another long coat or one box of chocolate cookies. I am just joking but if you are serious, then go ahead. My address is 276a Sharrowvale Road, Sheffield S11 8ZH. Hahaha. I will stop with this crap.

My sis told me that Leajoo pass her the money which is for the coat that I wanted to buy. So I went to town to check the coat out and was hoping there is still stock available.

I went it and saw the purple coat which I wanted. There were only a few pieces left. I saw the Purple one and there is only one size left which is 42. So I tried it on. It was slightly bigger but I wanted it this way so I could wear additional cardigan inside. Guess what? There were two buttons missing. I was like..oh that’s so sad. There weren’t any more left in Meadowhall.

So I thought of getting the black one and I saw size 40 for the purple one. I thought it was fine and condition was good. Since the grey one was size 40, so I thought it will be fine.

I finally bought it. Which color is better? Grey or Purple?

Class rep aka CheeChin, MingHowe, Kelly, ChiouYee, SiowYiing, LeaJoo, ZeeHui, SinLi, YongKit and Wendy

Thanks for the wonderful gift. I have no idea what to say but I really appreciate it. It was a wonderful present from you all my darlings.

Thank you once again from the bottom of my heart and left corner of my brain.

Thank you to my sister, PK. This cilipadi is the middle person between me and my friends. Without you I will never get this coat.

I Love you, darlings.



p:s I hope those darling that I mentioned on top would be reading this.

Joo, did I miss out anyone? Please let me know.


Blogger *~leAjoo~* said... didn't miss out anyone in the list..hope you like the present ya..

and again,
happy birthday from all of us
all the best to everyday of your life...

3 December 2008 at 06:30  

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