Phuisan's Life

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Friday 17 October 2008

Over friendly or just ……

There is this guy by the name of J** who is a friend to John (My housemate) is irritating. Maybe he is being too friendly. He was in my house last week and that’s the first time I met him. Normally, we will give each other a friendly hug when we meet someone new. That’s the first time.

He came on Tuesday. He gave me hug and I thought it was fine. After that I went back into the room because my friend was in the room. I didn’t dare to go out when he was still in John’s room.

He came today and I didn’t know about it. So I walked into the kitchen and he was there. He saw me and wanted to hug me and I said “Not today because I don’t want to be smelly”. Then he move off. Then I was washing my tumbler and out of a sudden he gave me a hug from behind and I pushed him away. I got a shocked. He is like a wolf. He is kind of good looking but I don’t like what he did.

I just want him to stay away from me. I think he is over friendly. I don’t mind giving hugs but not too often and with good intention.



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