Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Monday 13 October 2008

Halloween Birthday Christmas

There are 71 days more for us to celebrate Christmas. Though it is about two months away, everyone here is in the Christmas mood.

All the supermarket and shopping centers are selling Christmas gifts ranging from chocolate, lights, cards and loads more. Surprisingly, there is no Christmas tree display on the shelf yet.

I was talking with my housemate, Lauren and she asked whether I have any plan for Christmas. I told her that I have not planned my Christmas yet. She told me that in the morning she and Nathan plan to have breakfast with me and John. She has already plan for Christmas and has already started to shop for Christmas gifts.

My cousin told me that I could go over to his place in Birmingham for Christmas. I thought of going down to his place as I will be able to celebrate Christmas with the only family member I have in UK. I have another choice which is to celebrate in Sheffield with Alex and Stanley.

This will be the first time I will be celebrating Christmas in overseas. It would definitely be a very memorable Christmas for me. I will be having three weeks holiday for Christmas. What should I do? This is the first time I won’t be celebrating Christmas in KL. I won’t be able to eat tong yuen on the 22 December which is also my sis birthday. I will miss all the exciting events in KL.

I am not thinking about Christmas first as Halloween will be on the end of this month. This is also the first time I am going to celebrate here. I will probably be in Stanley’s house as he is planning to have a party and to introduce some friends to me. The next alternative is to go clubbing.

There is no time to think about Christmas and Halloween because I need to get my presentations and essay done before I can actually enjoy myself.

One more small thing but to me is big thing. I will be celebrating my birthday here. This is not the first time celebrating in overseas. I have already plan for my birthday. LoL. I have celebrated once before in China when I was 12 if I am not mistaken.

I have to stop here. I will upload pictures on the Christmas preparations for you all to see.

Take Care. Merry Christmas and Happy Halloweens in ADVANCE.




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