Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Tuesday 7 October 2008

PhuiKeiYeoh YeohPhuiKei FatCat AhMoi MoImOi cILIPADI

PhuiKeiYeoh YeohPhuiKei FatCat AhMoi MoImOi cILIPADI

I have known this girl for about 15 years ++. This is my irritating but wonderful sister. She is sticks with me most of the time. Whenever we get together and talk, it will be never ending. She is in Form 3 this year and will sitting for PMR next week. I think.

I am her sis cum driver. Wherever she wants to go, then I have to send and pick her up. From school to tuition. Even though I have classes to attend, I will try to allocate time to pick her up.

In the house, she is the protected species. We plan everything for her. Last time when my bro and I were in secondary school, we will walk home after class but all of us would not allow her to do so. There were a few months I couldn’t pick her up from school because I have class to attend. We will arrange transportation for her and prohibit her from walking back home.

Before I came to UK, we both share the same room but she only rent the bed. The whole room is mine because my study table and most of my properties are in the room. Now she officially conquers the room, the house and the computer. She doesn’t have to fight for anything because my brother is staying in Genting. This girl is cute in a way. No one dares to cane her unless she does something terrible. When I am really angry with her, then I will cane her with clothes hanger. She dares to fight back. Then she will start crying. Each time when I cane her, I don’t feel nice but she is too stubborn. She even has the guts to scold my dad, mum, grandma and sis. The weird thing is she dares not to answer her bro back. I wonder why? She is in a very good term with bro now because my bro save all her favorite hongkong dramas for her. He sends her to school and tuition.

All of us would have to listen to her demand. The best part is she is scare of Ginhooi. She wrote something horrible in the blog and Hooi saw. So Hooi threaten her by saying that if she writes the horrible things again, then Hooi will tell my dad when he comes over to UK in Nov. LoL.

I always introduce her to my girlfriends. So practically everyone knows her. Whenever she is featured in Joo and Hooi’s blog, then she will be extremely proud of herself.

She has a few bears on the bed who is her darlings. The main darling is Tommy. She always neglects Jelle, Giffy, Nene and Squidy. If you ever go my house, don’t touch Tommy.

Moi moi, thanks for everything. I know you hated it when I choose to continue with law. You keep asking me why I want to study so much. When I was in a crisis, you keep shattering my hopes by encouraging me to go home and don’t stay in UK.

I really miss you a lot. I hate to sleep alone. Maybe you can consider staying with me in UK for one month during your yearend holiday. Then you can celebrate Christmas and birthday here. I only have one day class, and then the rest of the days I can take you to travel around UK. Mum would say no but you can consider using your own money to buy the air ticket since you are freaking rich. Lol.

All the best and good luck in your PMR. Make sure you get 7A’s. Then I will buy you anything you want. Please keep your promise and you should know what the promise is all about. Don’t get stress out. You can webcam, sms or call me anytime you want.

Thanks for everything.

Your irritating sis - phuisanyeoh

p/s: Hooi, thanks for stopping her from writing nonsense. Cheers.


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