Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Monday 6 October 2008

Friday- Saturday -Sunday

I enjoyed these three days but it was really tiring. I was supposed to study during the weekends but my days were filled with entertainments. Shopping-Lunch-Dinner-Gossips-Drinking session. For the past three days my sleeping time was in a mess. I go to bed at about 3am then wake up at 12noon. Then I will laze around on the bed before getting ready to go out again.


I went to Stanley’s House in the afternoon to meet my darling Syan Syan. She came back from Europe trip and I promised to meet her up. Then we went to Bankers Draft for lunch then we did some shopping. I managed to buy a pair of boots which cost me 6 pounds. After that we went to Netto (our favourite supermarket when we live in Charlotte) to but some meat. Syan syan promise me to cook tomyam for me before she leaves Sheffield. It was a delicious dinner. After dinner, then we started talking. Everyone was so tired. I had to wait for “someone” to meet me up at Stanley’s house. The someone was late because the bus broke down so I had to wait till 2.15am. Then we took a cab home because it was damn cold and I couldn’t walk back.


I woke up at 12.30 noon. I was lazing around on the bed. Someone doesn’t wants to wake up and I wanted to compete with someone to see who can laze longer. Finally, someone went to bath and went out of the house first. After someone left, I plan to bath but in the end I jump back on the bed and continue with my sleep. I went out for dinner at Noodle Inn with Syan Syan and the rest. It was raining heavily. I thought of not going but Alex keep saying “Today is the last night Syan Syan will be in Sheffield”. After dinner, all of us walk back to Stanley’s house. We hang around and I talk to syan syan about some stupid stuffs. Then we had some cocktail drink prepared by Stanley. Then we ordered kebab for supper. It was about 12 midnight and it was raining. Someone gave me a cup of hot water to drink before we left to warm up my body and I won’t feel so cold. Then I have to walk home under the rain. I walk home with someone but we had to walk Jasevy home first because is on the way and is dangerous to walk alone. It was about 1 when we reach home. Then I read some law cases before going to bed. I slept first because I was damn tired.


Sunny Day. Both of us woke up at 12.30noon. We told syan syan that we will meet her at 1.30 but we were still at home at 1.30pm. Then we went to Moor Street to buy some stuff. The England Jersey was damn cheap. I wanted to buy one for bro but no more size M left. Then we went to Primark to shop. After that we walk to Stanley’s house. We had pizza, curry chicken and naan for dinner. Then we had to send Syan Syan off to the bus station. I did cry because I was really sad. Everyone in Sheffield is leaving soon. I had to drink a cup of hot water before I go home. Then we walk Jasevy home again. Lucky there is no rain and strong wind.

There shall be no entertainment for me until Halloween Night. I might go out on the 14 Oct to meet up with those friends who will be leaving on the 15. After that, I can officially concentrate on my studies. I wanted to study on Sunday but I couldn’t find the Salomon v. Salomon Co. Ltd case. I was so frustrated because I remember seeing the case that day in my file. I wonder where it went.

Hui and Sinli will be coming to my place tomorrow. My two darling girlfriends. They will be going back on 8 October. I am going to miss them a lot. I can’t wait to see them.

Thanks for the entertainment. Live life to the Max!




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