Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Tuesday 30 September 2008



Left of Right? Debit or Credit? Forward or Backward? Study or Work? Play or Sleep? Yes or No? Expand or Close? Stay or Leave? Laugh or Cry? ACCA or CIMA? Sheffield or Malaysia?

All this involves decision making. Making a decision is never easy. We need to take into a lot of considerations about the surroundings and what will happen after the decision is make. Will everyone be happy or will they be sad? I have been pondering upon all the matters which I need to decide. I was having problems deciding whether to stay or to go back. Everyone said that I should stay. I was homesick and wanted to go home so badly.

There was one day when I decided to stay, Sy Che called me and she asked me one weird question. “Don’t you miss anyone in Malaysia or is there anyone waiting for you in Malaysia?” I said no one is waiting for me. I told her that I am still single and it would be alright for me to stay in UK alone. I won’t need to think about boyfriend but she would have to think about her boyfriend.

After she put down the phone, I started thinking very hard. Did I make the right decision? Should I stay? Is there anyone waiting for me in Malaysia? Is there anything worthwhile in Malaysia that can make me go home? Should I stand firm and complete my master? Should I let go of my dreams of studying law? Will my parents and siblings be disappointed if I go home? Will I be the sore loser?

When I attended Financial Decision Making, my Professor told me that in everything we do, we should prioritize. He said that whatever decision we make, we should prioritize the problem and solutions. I didn’t apply that in my daily decision making. I couldn’t decide what is important and what is not.

I was so lost and couldn’t make up my mine. I did something very stupid and unexpected. On Wednesday, I walked to the Uni to hand up my visa application and passport. The next day I woke up crying and I decided to go back to Malaysia. So I march to the Uni and requested for my passport back. It was a stupid decision and all my friends think that I am crazy. The entire week was a disaster to me. Everything went upside down. All I did was cry and nothing else.

After a few days, I have decided to stay back in Sheffield and continue with my Masters. My first priorities were my education and experience. I think I didn’t make the wrong decision this time. I hope that I will enjoy my stay here and everything will run smoothly.

It is very hard to make a decision when a person cannot think wisely. For whatever decision you make, don’t regret. Stay firm and do not let unnecessary things to drift you away. Don’t let obstacles block your way to success and happiness.



p/s: All this happen to me about 3 weeks ago. My passport is in the immigration office now.


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