Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Monday 29 September 2008


Ms Geh

Thanks for the advice. It was really useful. Each time when I feel like giving up, I will read your email. You are really my true idol. You are so strong and have the determination to go through all the obstacles and troubles.

I really missed talking to you. You were like my candle lighting up my way when I am lost. Thanks for giving me advise. Each time when I face any problems and difficulties in college, studies or personal problems, you were always there for me.

I will not give up easily and hope to see you soon. Take good care of yourself and do not get stress up with your work loads. Hope to see you in UK in February. There are so many things to tell and share with you.


I really miss you a lot. Thanks for the fan and papers. LoL. Even though you are in UK but I can’t get to see you since you are in Hull. I will miss you a lot when you get back to Malaysia in December. I wish you good luck and all the best in the ACCA exams and future undertakings. Hope to eat the food that you cook soon. I didn’t get to try the potatoes that you made. Thanks for being by my side when I am down.

Weng Kit –Tom

Thanks for listening to all my nonsense. You really change your mind very quickly. Before I told you about £1000, you encouraged and supported me to go home. When I told you about the £1000, you immediately change your mind and said that I should stay here. Thanks for the pasta and beer. I will belanja you when I get back to Malaysia. Thanks for your offer to take my things back to Malaysia but I don’t think I have anything to take back. Thanks for all the gossips and is all secret between us. Thanks for being by my side. It was great knowing you.


Thanks for letting me to tumpang in your house when I am bored. Thanks for the delicious lunch and dinner. Thanks for letting me to use your internet if not I will be bored to death. Thanks for helping me to shift to my new house. If you don’t stay in Sheffield then I will be all alone here. Terima Kasih. You will have to get use to it when I am together with Alex.

Syan Syan
Thanks for all the laughter and jokes. It was great knowing you. You are a quiet girl and is time for you to be a noisy girl. Hope to meet up with you soon. Even though we only know for about two months but we are so close which enable us to share our problems together. Hope that you will come back to Sheffield next year. I can't wait to eat the chicken and tom yam that you cook. All the best and take care.

Love Cheers

p/s: there will be more thank you message soon.


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