Phuisan's Life

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Monday 6 October 2008

My First Law Class

Class officially starts today 2 October 2008. I reached the class early today as I am afraid that I couldn’t find the venue. I was smart enough to find some short cuts so I don’t need to walk a big around. It only takes me 5 minutes to reach the campus but walking in the campus takes me about 10minutes as it is located deep inside.

The first class that I attend was Corporate Law and Strategy 1. This class lasted for 3 hours and is being taught by Jim Hanlon. He speaks quite slowly but it was an interesting class. We started with getting familiar with the English Legal System and Court. It is not a complicated court system but is divided into inferior court and superior court. We have to write two essays. One has to be handed up on November 27.

Then we had one hour break, so I went to lunch with my friends. We did talk and Jim joined us for lunch. Rafel says that he will cook us kebab and Jim offered his place for all of us to gather.

The next class was Legal Research Method taught by Lesley. Her class was interesting but she looks fierce to me. We learn about legal research methods. This subject is based on presentation and essay. I choose to be the first to present which is on the 6 November. I know is stupid to volunteer myself to be the first presenter but I want to settle it because I want to celebrate my birthday. I don’t want to celebrate my birthday with assignments.

Risk Management and contract is taught by Dennis Taylor. Today he talked about contract. What must exist to create a contract? Offer and acceptance, Intention to create legal relationships, exchange of consideration, capacity and so on. Sounds familiar, right? We learned all these during our Business Law. I was so lost when I attended the class. SHIT!

The last class was supposed to be Corporate Governance but the lecturer didn’t turn up because there were some changes in the timetable. So I join the other option module which is Public International Law. I totally have no idea what the lecturer was talking about. Luckily I didn’t choose this option. There is only one student who is taking up Public International Law. So he will have one to one class. It will be freaking boring. Halfway through, I left the class.

I need to attend the undergraduate class next week to get back some basic knowledge about company law so that I won’t feel loss next week.




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