Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Wednesday 1 October 2008

Thank You message: Part 3

Warwick Castle

SHU Farwell

Zee Hui

I have known this gal for about 3 years. We only got closed when we in the same class during Advance Dip. She is a very patient and doesn’t get angry easily. She has very good temper. Whenever I have problems which I can’t solve or when I am in an unsound mind, I will look for her. She would calm me down and always give me guidance.

I flew to Manchester alone due to some complication with my visa. When I call you up, you volunteer to pick me up from Manchester. I was so happy. My dad was so grateful that I have a friend like you because you were willing to pick me up from Manchester. Thanks for the help, if not I would be stranded at the airport. LoL. Thanks for seeing my ACCA results with me.

It was great knowing you and our wish of coming to Sheffield to study together had come true. Though it was just a short period time, we went through a lot of things together. Thanks for the hair dryer. Thanks for taking care of our expenses and finance. Thanks for everything and list goes on and on. It was fun staying with you. Thanks for going for room hunting with me after exams.

Though we didn’t win for the blog, it is fine since all of us really put our effort in it. If Joo and Kit could come together with us, then it will be a happy family for the 6 of us. I would like to say thank you from my bottom of my heart and corner of my liver for everything that you had did for me. You are such a wonderful and truthful friend.

Warwick Castle

Peace Garden

Sin Li

I know you when I got to know Joo. You are a great friend of mine. Thanks for the poker cards. It was fun playing Big 2 with you. The strategies that you used are superb. Each time when you have lousy cards, you say you will lose but in the end you will win the game. This girl is really a brave girl. Each time when she holds the knife, we would be very scare cause she used weird techniques to cut the carrot and potatoes.

I still remember when there were 8 Stella bottles laid down near the window. Zeehui PohQuin and I will take two each and we threaten to hit you because you keep complaining about your cards. It was just a joke. Take it easy. No harsh feelings.

It was so coincidence when we were in the same group for FDM. No one would have expected it. It was great being in the same group as you. Though we didn’t get very good marks for both FDM and BSMA, but at least we tried our best.

Thanks for picking me up at the Manchester Airport with Zeehui. Thanks for the hole puncher. It was great bullying you. Hope that you won’t get angry. Hope to eat the fried mee hoon that you cook when I go back to KL. Hope that you will get a boyfriend soon. LoL. Thanks once again for being with me when I had horrible times. Thanks for the advice. Thanks for going to room hunting with me. All the best. Good Luck. Enjoy your holidays before you start working.

I miss the times when we stayed in Flat 19 Charlotte Court. Muaksss





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