Phuisan's Life

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Tuesday 30 September 2008

New Campus - New Course – New Lecturer – New Course mates – New Environment

New Campus - New Course – New Lecturer – New Course mates – New Environment

Practically everything is new to me. This time I am not taking up any course related to accounting or finance or auditing. This time I am taking up Corporate Law and Strategy. When I told my friends that I am taking up law for my Masters, they looked at me with their eyes wide open. I know it is weird because all this while I have been studying accounting and now I am taking up law. To me, it is not a surprising matter as studying law was one of my ambitions.

New Campus

This Collegiate campus which I am in now is totally different from the City Campus in the sense of the structure of the building. It looks more like a castle than a campus. I still prefer the city campus because it looks more attractive to me. This campus is extremely big and it stretches from one end to the other end.

New Course

This time I will be doing Corporate Law and Strategy. The last time when I studied law was about two years back which are Company Law and Business Law. I think for the first few lessons I would have to struggle because I am not familiar with law studies. I am very sure that I would be able to cope with it soon. When I was looking at the modules, I saw something familiar which I could recall. The Solomon v Solomon case.

New Lecturers

I only met my Corporate Law and Strategy Law lecturer who is Jim Hanlon. He is a professor. For Corporate Governance, Contract & Risk, and Legal Research Methods, I am not sure who the lecturers are.

New course mates

There are only 12 of us in the course. There are 4 Nigerians, 3 Pakistanis, 2 Cyprus, 2 Indians and 1 Malaysian. I am the odd one in the course. Most of them have law backgrounds except for me. I am the youngest among all. Surprisingly there is another student who is already in his forties and he is married with children. I think he is great because he still have the determination to study. I was hoping there will be at least a few locals but there is none. I was so disappointed. LoL.

New Environment

This is really going to be something new and exciting to me. I have never studied with students from the other nations. It is like the United Nations. This is the chance where I can make friends and expand my network. I know that studying law is not easy but I will take it as a challenge which I will conquer in the coming one year.

I have two other Malaysian friends who are also doing Masters in Sheffield. We are all in different campus taking up different course. Alex is taking up Risk Management and Stanley is taking up International Business Management. Both of them are in the City Campus. Alex has commenced his course but Stanley only starts to attend class in January.

Good Luck and all the best!

Love Cheers



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