Phuisan's Life

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Wednesday 1 October 2008

Three girlfriends that I miss the most: Part 2

Siow Yiing aka Siaojie

The first time when I met her was at Adrian Yeo & Co so called interview. We were sitting side by side with Leajoo. We didn’t say much that time because we were not familiar with each other. On the first day of work, we were sat in the meeting room. From then on, Chiouyee, Siowyiing and I start to get close.

The three of us sat together when we moved down to second floor. She always gets scolding from the both of us. She is okay with it as she took it easy. We spend most of the time together talking and laughing together. Most of the time, both of us will share a table together.

Remember when you went out to do accounts for the lawyer at Amcorp Mall, you were supposed to take a few files back. Yee and I followed you to the office to take the files. Both of us were really embarrassed because we were wearing slippers to the client office. Then you treat us with Crunch ice cream. I really enjoyed the time when the three of us was working in AY.

After the three months, we were still hanging around together in the college. We studied together in the library before exams. We always gossip during the night. Before exam, both of us will sms like mad. You will call me and ask about FRS and BA. It was fun sitting with you during the lectures.

I am so far away from you now. Three months has pass and we didn’t get to have a proper talk. You seem so far away from me. There are so many things that we didn’t share together especially things that happened around you. I feel that there is a wall in between us now. You are a very secretive girl and seldom tell me stuff unless I force you to tell me. I know that you don’t want me to be worry about you but if you don’t tell me anything then I would be more worry.

I hope that you could spend some time studying and do well in ACCA. I really wish that you can pass all your papers as soon as possible. I know taking ACCA exams is not easy and you are starting to get fed up with it but you have no choice but to complete it.

Thanks for sending me off at the airport. You were supposed to be studying for BA but you insisted to send me because I will be flying to UK alone. I was so happy to see you, Henry and Mikio. Thanks for all the care and concern. I promise that I will cut down on my coffee consumption and will take good care of my health. I try to come back in March so that I could meet up with you, Yee and KaiXin. Hope that you will enjoy your work. Talk to Yee if you are not happy. She will always be there for you. You can sms me anytime you like.

Take Care. Keep in touch and Contact. Hope to hear from you. Miss you a lot a lot. Thanks for the encouragement and advice.

Love and Cheers



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