Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Saturday 11 October 2008


When I first move in, my dad told me that I will go through a culture shock stage. The experience of staying with Mat Salleh is totally different. I have been staying here for 3 weeks. I learned a lot about them.


In Malaysia, after our meals, we will clear up the dishes and wash it. We don’t like to leave it in the basin. After applying the soap, we will rinse it with clean water. Then wipe it dry and store it back into the cupboard.

Unlike us, they will put all the dishes in the basin, fill it up with hot water and squeeze some soap on it and leave it for a few hours. After scrubbing the dishes, they will leave it on the rack to drain the soap water. Then wipe and store back into the kitchen.

It means that they don’t rinse the dishes with water. I am still not use to it. So most of the time, I will do the dishes for them as I hate seeing one stacks of dishes in the basin. Water bills are very expensive (I think so).


When I am in KL, all the lights in the house will be on to make it look bright and will not look gloomy.

My new house here is totally different. They will of all the lights and we seldom on it. There was once, in the middle of the night, I wanted to go to the toilet. I didn’t realize that the lights were off. I wasn’t wearing my specs and my head hit the door. Thank god there was no bruise on my head. If not, it will be damn embarrassing. Electricity bills are also very expensive.

Water Vs Beer

No one drinks plain water here. I am the only person in the house who drinks plain water. My housemate looks at me weirdly each time I fill my bottle with water. They complain that the water is tasteless. They normally consume milk, juice and beer.

I am becoming one of them drinking a lot of beer. I am going to be a kaki botol soon. LoL!


When we were young, our parents used to tell us not to waste food because people in the poor countries are not as lucky as us. They will suffer from malnutrition or even starve to death. We are not supposed to leave any rice on our plates because it is the hard work of the farmers.

There was one evening, my housemate cook burger for lunch. He made one for me and two for himself. When he took the first bite of the second burger, he said that he is full. Guess what he did? He threw the burger into the dustbin. My eyes were wide open and speechless.

If I was full, I will probably put it aside or keep it for dinner. I am not used to the food wastage. Maybe to them, it is cheap but to me is freaking expensive due to the exchange rates.

Leave a message before going out

When I was in Charlotte Court, I seldom let my housemates know when I go out. Even in KL, my parents always get angry with my bro and me because we go out without letting them know.

Before leaving the house, I have to let them know where I will be going and what time will I be back. They will always let me know when they go out. So it is a now a habit for me.

Thank You Vs Cheers

Instead of saying thank you, we will say cheers. I use to say thank you last time but now I keep using the word “cheers”. So whenever I meet anyone, we will end our conversation with cheers. LoL.

Plastic bags

For us Malaysians, when we go to the hypermarkets especially Tesco and Carrefour, we will take loads of plastic bags. Even if we buy two items, we will request for plastic bags. This is because there is no limit and it is FOC.

In UK here, each plastic bag cost 3p and those make from cloth cost 35p. This is to encourage people to bring their own shopping bags and for the sake of saving the environment. So each time when I go to Tesco or Netto, I would have to bring my own shopping bags.

I am getting use to the life here. During the first week, it was horrible but now things are getting better. My housemates are nice and friendly. To those who are still worry about me, I am extremely fine here.

I am not trying to complain or discriminate. I just want to share my experience with you people out there. The main purpose of this blog is to let you all know about my life in Sheffield. If you are reading this post and are offended, then I am sorry.

When I discover more about their culture, then I will share with you guys.




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