Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Wednesday 15 October 2008


The toppers

I was complaining to my agent, Brad last week about my mattress. My mattress is horrible because the spring is out and I always get backache in the morning.

Brad came with a new mattress but he didn’t tell the landlord about it. Unfortunately, the new mattress could not fit on my bed because it was too big. The size of my mattress is bigger than a single bed but slightly smaller than double bed. So he has to take the bed back. I was so disappointed.

Then Brad came with the landlord. He came in to see the condition of the bed. Guess what he said. Gosh. “I will try to find something that can be put on the mattress so we don’t need to get a new one.If I couldn’t find a solution, and then I will buy a new mattress for you”. At that point of time, I wanted to knock my head on the wall. Practically everything that we requested, he would say that he will think about it.

Brad said that he will try to persuade the landlord to get a new mattress. Brad, thanks a lot.

This morning, the landlord came with the toppers to put it on my bed. After putting it, my bed is much more comfortable now. I won’t be having backache anymore. I will probably get a good night sleep tonight. I don’t need to put my duvet under the bed now. I can have two duvets tonight. Yay!




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