Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Friday 17 October 2008

Bad Luck or Bad Day or Just so coincident

Last week Tuesday

No water. Everyone was rushing to go work and Uni, so I decided to let them to use the toilet first and I can take my own sweet time. When it was my turn to shower, there was no water. No one was at home and I totally have no idea what to do. If I was in Malaysia, I would just have to call Syabas or Puas. In UK here, I have totally no idea who to call and what to do.

The houses in UK don’t have “Tangki” (the water storage) in their home. He read my personal message and said “Why so cham?” I said “No water and I can’t shower” He said “Your fault la, wake up so late”. Practically everything is my fault just because he woke up early and he gets to shower first.

My sis asked me to google to find out the number that I should call to report about the water thingy. So I decided to call Ash to let him know about it. He contacted the builders. The builders came and he said that I will get my water back in 5 minutes. Sigh of relief.

This week Tuesday

No light in the toilet. It was about 8 something at night and as usual my shower time after dinner. I went into the toilet switch on the light. “Tak” and the lights went off. I was like what the hell. Why does it always happen on Tuesday in my toilet?

He messaged me after reading my personal message on MSN. He said “Why every time your house no water and electric?” How am I supposed to know? It was the toilet and not the house. So I decided to shower without the lights.

Until today, no one bothered to buy the light bulbs. So I had to take my shower without the lights. If I know how to change and buy the light bulb, I would probably do it by myself rather than waiting for them. As if I am the only person who uses the toilet. The problem is I have no idea where to buy the bulbs and it is different from the ones we use in Malaysia. Forget about it and I will get it sort by today.

Friday 17 October

I got a shocked of my life. I went to the kitchen to make my breakfast. My housemate came in and she wanted a toast. Then she used the toaster that I brought and it didn’t work. There was something wrong with the button and the bread didn’t go down.

Then I went into the room. My laptop was blank. The switch was on and I remembered that I didn’t off the laptop. So I took the plug out and put it back again. I thought it got attack by virus. What in the world should I do? My cousin, Sunny, who is the computer expert is in Malaysia and how in the world he is going to help me.

I started to go panic. So I used the battery and assume that the power adapter is spoilt. Then I was trying to log in to MSN and it said you are not connected to the internet. I went out to look at the modem and there were no blinking lights on it.

So I thought it would be the switch. I plug in my hair dryer and it didn’t work. There is nothing wrong with my adapter. I had to call Brad and the builder came to sort it out. The fuse on the main board tripped. It tripped again when Lauren used the toaster. So it was the toaster fault.

Anyway, everything is fixed but just that bloody light bulb. Can anyone teach me how to buy a light bulb?

Hope all this won’t happen again. For once and for all.

Cheers Love


p/s: If YOU are reading this, you might probably think is my fault because I always wake up late. Whose fault is it? Is it my fault or your fault?

You should know who you are.


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