Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Saturday 7 November 2009

week with housemates

Great week doing crazy stuffs with housemates

On Tuesday, Lauren Hollie and I went to town to Graduate pub to meet up with ben. At first, I didn’t want to go out because it was freezing cold outside. I can’t imagine myself wearing a dress and high heels in this blardy cold weather. After much persuasion, I said yes and head down to town for a drink. It was good in Crystal but it was jam packed. I am going to miss clubbing in UK. Clubs in UK are great because it is non smoking clubs. We danced through the night till 2.30 am then head home for a comfy sleep.

On Wednesday, I was too tired to go out so I just chilled out at home with my darling laptop and dramas. Nothing much happened besides texting my darling sister who is enjoying her Europe trip with dad and mum.

On Thursday, the weather was not so good. Raining and wind blowing like mad. In UK, on the 5th of November, we celebrate Bon Fire night. On this night, everyone will be setting up fireworks. You won’t be able to sleep soundly with all the Bang Bang Pow sounds. It’s a crazy night. This is my second Bon fire celebration. This year we celebrated in Hollie’s house. The fireworks her dad bought was amazing. I had loads of fun.

On Friday, it is even cooler, Bianca Lauren and I went for dinner at Uncle Sam (My favourite burger shop in Sheffield). I had a children meal though turning 23 in a couple of days. Then we head to cineworld to watch a movie. We watched A Christmas Carol which is on 3D. it was a so so movie because I am not so into animation movie. This is all I can do with my dear housemates before leaving them. We reached home about 12 and sat down in the living room “analyzing” some stuffs.

Today is Saturday. The three of us spend time together in the evening in the park taking photos. Lauren was the photographer. Bianca and I was the model for the day. The scenery at the park was amazing especially the brown yellowish leaves. Though it was freaking cold, but we had fun taking silly, serious, sad and spastics photos. I can’t wait to see the final shots. Then we went for a walk in the park. I can’t imagine myself “hiking” with my pair of boots. LoL. It was scary at first because the sky was dark and there were no lights in the park.

Tomorrow is Sunday and I have already planned my day. I am going to sleep till my usual time then cook a nice breakfast. In the evening, check in to premier inn hotel with my two suitcases. At about 4, I will walk to the train station and wait for my parent and sister arrival. Then head to dinner. Wooohooo..Get a good night sleep but before that got to gossip with sister 1st. then look forward to graduation on Monday.

Wonderful weekend, huh?



wooo hoo and sobsob

There are so many things happening next week. Some are good and some are bad. I would like to start off with the good ones.

I will be graduating this Monday. Though I didn’t make it up to first class but I managed to get a second upper. It would be great to see myself wearing the robe with the mortar board standing on the stage receiving my MSc LLM Corporate Law and Strategy certificate. This MSc is not just for me but for you all as well. You stand by my side giving me support and made me stand up each time I fall apart. Thank you very much.

On Tuesday, is my birthday. Finally, after a long waited time, I am officially 23 years old. Though I am getting older, it doesn’t matter as I find myself getting wiser each day I grow. I am waiting to take up all the challenge waiting ahead of me. I won’t be asking for more this year as I have the best presents this year. First, getting two certificates this year is my best gifts. Secondly, I am extremely happy that my parents will be sitting in the hall looking at me receiving the certificate. Last year I missed celebrating birthday with my family but this year

I will be able to celebrate with them in Birmingham.

Now this is the not so good news. I will be officially leaving UK on Saturday. Thinking about the 18 months, I realized I had so much fun in UK. Meeting friends, travelling, drinking, chilling out, cracking jokes and crying are one of the best times I have here. A lot of you guys gave me a brilliant memory in UK. I am going to miss UK so much.

That’s all for now. I need to continue packing. I should be done last week but I keep delaying it because I wanted to have more time here. I don’t wish to leave so fast.

Loads of love


Tuesday 3 November 2009

great weekend

What a cool and fun London trip. I was in London last week Thursday till Sunday. It is not because I have not been to London; it is because I was there to see my parent sister and cousin. Me and brother spend two nights with parents before they head off to Europe and one night with cousin.

On the last night, it was Halloween. There wasn’t any big celebration in London as compared to Sheffield. The Londoners were preparing for Christmas. The shopping centers and road sides were filled with Christmas decorations. I am celebrating early Christmas here because I would not be celebrating it in UK this year. The Londoners were doing their Christmas shopping.

For the three of us, we had a wonderful day in London. At night, we went to two gay clubs. Loads of fun with music beer dance and blast. LoL. I was quite surprise that the bouncer did not check my brother and my ID. Hahaha. Usually in Sheffield, I always need to show my ID.

Anyway, I am looking forward to this week and next week before I say bon voyage to everyone and UK. wait for more updates from me.

debenhams shopping center
me and brother with the xmast tree outside selfridges
me and khai liang with the christmas tree

with the bear. cute huh?

Loads of Love