Phuisan's Life

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Friday 1 May 2009

The worst mother I ever met in my life!

Yesterday, it was first time in my life, seeing the worst mother in the world.

She is from somewhere from the world and is my so called classmates. She is a big fat liar. She told us that she has 10 kids. God Bless her kids before I go further on. In fact, she only has two kids.

She is damn blardy rude. The way she talks to her lecturer who is the age of 60 as if he is the age of 6 days old baby. She has no respect to the nice gentleman lecturer. She shouted at him though it was her mistake.

She doesn’t look like a mother. She is not lady like. She doesn’t portray herself in the public. She acts like a hooligan. She is so rough.

We all went on a one day trip together. She went missing a few times. She told us not to get worry at the first time she got lost because she claims that she is familiar with the roads.

When we were walking back to the car, she went missing. The nine of us waited for her about half an hour. We went looking for her all around the place. She didn’t apologize to us for keeping us waiting.

Jim (My lecturer aka grandpa) told her we waited for 30 minutes and should apologize to us. She said 30 minutes is not long enough.

You know I don’t have patience and I was blardy piss off so I walked up to her and asked “ What is consider long and what is consider as short?”. Guess what she said to me? “30 minutes is not long at all.”

At that moment of time, I feel like slapping her. We realized that she went to Tesco to buy two bottles of wines to drink. Bloody hell! She spoilt the whole entire trip.

If she was my mum, I would probably disown her or stay away 5 kilometers from her.

God bless.


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