Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Monday 18 May 2009

Fire ..Fire Fire...

Yesterday was another nightmare. My house almost caught fire yesterday night. As usual, my mate was grilled a burger in the oven. It usually takes 15 minutes to cook. After leaving the burger to cook, he went to the living room to watch a film.

I went to bed because it was already 1am. When I felt asleep the smoke alarm triggered. He ran into the kitchen and saw fire in the oven. The alarm was just ringing and none of us actually know how to switch it off.

Thank god, he was smart enough to use the fire extinguisher to cover the fire. The whole kitchen was in a mess with the fire extinguisher powder. The whole house was so smoky. This is the second time he causes the alarm to ring.

Look at the oven.

Thank god the fire didn’t spread. I went back to bed and thought about it. Lucky I put all my important documents such as passport, IC, license and cash in a small pouch. If anything happens, I can immediately grab it and run out the house.

My next plan was to pack a pair of clothes in a bag with the small pouch. *Touch wood* if it happens again, I at least have a pair of clothes and the documents.




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