Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Thursday 26 February 2009

LoNDON mDM tUSSaUd 21/2

G and S were desperate to visit Madam Tussaud the famous wax museum. We wanted to go yesterday when I arrived but the queue was extremely super dee duper long. Both of us could not be bothered to queue for two hours.

Before we slept, we decided to get up early in the morning and get to the museum. When we were there, it was only 8.15am and no one was there. The doors were all closed. We were very kiasu, we bought coffee and croissants to ensure that we are the first in the queue. All the passerby was looking at us with a big *GRIN* on their face wondering what this two lady is doing.

Wondering which door to get the tickets.

G was extremely impatient and excited.

Tried opening the big red door.

Enjoying my breakfast. No one was there.
Just two of us.First in the Q.
Kiasu as usual macam Singaporeans
Beckham and Victoria
Though is wax but extremely good looking
Trying to look for black spots on Tom Cruise Face
G wondering what is so attractive about Victoria
Johnny Dept - G and S were obsessed with him because the guy who played Zorro looks like Johnny
G was obsessed too!
Zac Efron (PK, don't be jealous) So good looking
Vanessa was replacing Vanessa because Vanessa could not make it
Robbie was asking "Apa lu mau? Jangan MAIN LAGI!"
I forgot to pay a visit to the Majesty when I had tea in Buckingham Palace with Prince William yesterday. So today is pay back time!
S thinks that she is a Responsible Nurse
But hopkins thinks that S is lousy because she cant push the chair!
Which is Paul McCartney?

First lady for a few SECONDS

Two secretaries to pass the phone call?
Must be Michelle
S is balas dendaming.
BonD ladies
James: Which one should I Choose?
G: Saya la
S: No way!
J: Tak Mau La!
Since tak jadi to be the Bond Lady, help to make the scarf masih boleh Tahan!
G trying to put the earings for Princess Diana
Nominated For The Most Sarcastic Picture. Looks a like? *Grin* *Embarassed*
G thinks it is Funny!
And the TUSSAUD Award for the MOST SARCASTIC PICTURE goes to ... Jang Jang Jang
Miss S
Extremely and Over Bored! Can't Help it!
People gave us a weird Smile and Grin
JO: Dont Disturb! bUZY cOOKING!
S: aIYO, Tak apa la. Picture more Important!
G: Nasi Lemak? Mee Goreng? Roti Canai? Tai Chow?
JO: No No No! Fish and Cheap, Sunday Roast,Pasta, Pizza!

Stay Tuned for more Gila Sampat Sarcastic Pictures to cOME



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