Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Sunday 21 December 2008

Christmas Shopping and Mood

This is the last week weekend for Christmas shopping. I am really excited about this Christmas even though I am not a big fan of Christmas. Every day and every hour I tell my mate how excited am I about Christmas. They think that I am crazy.

Yesterday was another wet Saturday but it didn’t dampen the spirit of Christmas shopping. I went to town yesterday with Lauren because she wanted to get some gifts. So I tagged along. I did some shopping too. I bought another two scarves and a dress for New Year eve. When the bus passed by Moor Street, you should see the amount of people doing their shopping carrying loads of bags on their hand.

I think is crazy but I am already in the Christmas mood. For Christmas, one of the traditional foods will be minced pies. The first thing that comes into your mind is that the pie will be filled with meat because of the word minced. That’s what I thought too. When I took the first bite, it was sweet and the fillings are apples and sultanas. It is really delicious. It is similar to a pie but this is really good. This Christmas, I will be replacing tong yuen with minced pies.

PK, I will buy some for you and mum and dad to try. By the time you come in January, you can taste it. Hopefully it won’t run out of date.

Dress for New Year

Scarf.. Three for GBP5. I bought two and Lauren bought one

Have Fun

Merry Christmas

Lots of hugsss and Kissess



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