Phuisan's Life

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Sunday 7 December 2008


All this while, I have been telling one that I don’t want to get marry. I think marriage is just about a piece of paper with two signatures on it. You might think that I am crazy but I think things will change after you get married.

One of my classmates is getting married in December. I was just curious so I started asking about his wedding. I asked how old is his wife and he said that she is only 22. He is 35 this year. I was kind of shocked because the soon going to be wife is so young. I asked whether it is a pre arranged marriage or not? He said yes. I said she is the same age as me but he said that they can get along very well. He is from Pakistan.

Next classmate, she said that she have a boyfriend. She said this is arranged by her parents. She didn’t get to choose the guy that she loves but is being by the parents. She is from India. There was once when one of the guy classmates asks for her contact number, she didn’t give him because she has to ask her parents or her boyfriend.

I thought there is no such thing as arranged marriage in this modern world. I think I am extremely lucky because I am not involved in this arranged marriage. It would be damn weird if my parents decide who I should marry. I don’t get to choose my own boyfriend. It is so ridiculous.

It would be weird marrying a guy which is totally a stranger to you. You might probably say that eventually or sooner or later, there will be sparks between the couple.

My housemates, their parents are all divorcee. One of them always say, “Vanessa, I am having lunch with my dad’s girlfriend today and tomorrow I will be having dinner with my mum’s boyfriend”. “Vanessa, today is my stepdad birthday. What should I get for him?”

I am not sure whether this happen in Malaysia or not but I doubt is minority cases. My brother thought me something cool. He said some of his friends are getting buy 1 free 1. I didn’t know what it means until he explains to me. It means that you get a girlfriend and get a free baby. I don’t know how this people at an age of 20 can actually get married.

What is the point of getting married if the marriage would not last forever or because of pregnancy? So I think being together without getting married will be good. At any point of time, you can break up or even change partner if you are bored with the existing one. Unless you live in a fairly tale land, then maybe you should wake up but sometimes fairy tale ending do happen to some couples. I think those who think there is such thing as forever or never ending are a little naïve or maybe I am too young to judge on this.

I never believe in marriage. That’s why in my plan, there is no such thing as marriage. All I want is to earn as much money as I can, take good care of my parents and siblings and be the most successful woman in the world by conquering the audit industry.

To those who are getting married, congratulations and may your marriage last forever and eternity. For those who are married, have a wonderful family and don’t cheat on your partner. For those who are planning to get married, please think twice and make sure you marry the right one and not the left one.

I bet if zeehui is reading this, she would probably disagree with me. If Joo is reading this, she might agree some part of it. Maybe after this, I should be a lawyer in charge of divorce cases. Hahaha. Joking but this is a very profitable field.

Just for Fun




Blogger *~leAjoo~* said...

haha...let's remain with what we said..don't get married, at least tat's my opinion up to now.

11 December 2008 at 06:24  

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