Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Friday 5 December 2008

Interesting Boring Idealess Lifeless

Life can be interesting, boring, idealess and lifeless. For the past few days, I have been experiencing almost all kind of life but not death. I don’t want to experience it at all.

Let’s start with


I don’t really feel lifeless because I have loads of essays to write. The problem is actually there is no problem at all. If I can sit still for four days without being distracted, then I finish up one piece of 5000 words essay. I took 4 days to write 1000 plus words. I practically do nothing at home.


I totally have no idea what the guys are actually thinking. I am not sure when they are serious and when they are not serious. I wish that I can read their mind. What else? Only love and relationships can make me idealess.

Too many confessions to handle this few days so please give me some time to digest it. Then I shall let you all know what happened. I might not let you all know.


My life supposes to be cool and fun but a pathetic girl (It’s me) make my life boring. I can hang out at my kakis house anytime I want. I will always give stupid reason for not going out. Assignment is the best reason.

I have been watching a lot of dramas but not TVB dramas. I have been watching Gossip Girls thanks to my lovely sister. Each time I message her, guess what the reply is? “Automatic reply: Watching Gossip Girls”

I was so curious why she was addicted to it so I decided to watch one episode and you should know what happened next.


As I said before, Ms Geh who is my favorite lecturer will be coming in February. She emailed me her itinerary. Before that, she said that Mr. Chong might be coming.

She suggests that we both can actually go to Paris together during the weekends. This is what she wrote “eh NO obligation ok. if you nak pergi dengan boyfriend ke, nak buat coursework ke, dont feel like ke, i can always travel on my own. im used to that. i invite you to join coz it could be fun!”

She will be meeting me in Sheffield on the 20th. It is just nice because is a Friday. The only day that I won’t be free is on Thursday. I might suggest to her that we go to Paris on the 21 till 24. I think it will be fine.

So many happening things are happening in February. My family will be coming and we will be traveling to Scotland and London. I will have to skip one day class.

When Ms. Geh comes, I won’t be skipping any class because there is no clash. It will be so fun. I might join her to York and Lake District since I didn’t have a chance to visit these two places even though I have so much free time.

In March, I will have a big surprise for myself and everyone maybe. I don’t know about the surprise. Hopefully there will be a surprise for me and you.

This is going to be so fun and interesting as if I am having honeymoon here. Who cares? I don’t care. I just want to enjoy life and get 1st class for LLM Corporate Law and Strategy.





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