Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Tuesday 16 December 2008

Children Christmas Party 2008

This party is organized by Hallam Volunteering. I volunteered to help out since I have plenty of free time. In the morning, I had to make sandwiches. This is the first time I spread butter for seven loaves of bread. I was having loads of fun during the evening when the children came. It was damn tiring and is not easy to take care of 10 children at the same time. I have to take them to the toilet and make sure they don’t go missing. The children are all well behaved. I can’t upload a lot of photos because of some reason.

At the same time, I managed to make some new friends from Hong Kong. I really enjoyed myself. I am going to volunteer myself for more activities. I feel like a small kid. It was a good time to release stress.

On the bouncy castle. Didn’t get to jump on it. I was in a hurry.

The the place where I club. Its a bit dark..So cant really see.

Christmas Card from me to High Green Children

The children are so cute and adorable!

Face Painting – Darling Sophia - Feel like kidnapping her home- Hahaha

Tracy is a BBC (British Born Chinese)

Sophie is from Hong Kong

Emma the project leader

Spreading butter on 7 loaves of bread

Feel so jelak looking at the bread. Not going to have bread for the next one week.

Is fun, isn’t it?




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