Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Thursday 11 December 2008

Christmas Party

Today was our last class for Corporate Law Strategy 1 with Jim before the Christmas holidays. Time pass extremely fast. Three months has just pass but it was wonderful.

We decided to have a small Christmas party since this is our last class for this semester and the psychology students will be not be joining us next semester. So it was a nice time to catch up, relax and take some pictures.

We had minced pies. At first I thought it was supposed to be meat but it isn’t. It is filled with raisins and sultanas. It is really delicious. It is one of the main foods for Christmas. You need to try it. I think you can get them from Marks and Spenser. I brought strudels, Linda brought cake and Rachel brought dim sum. We had wine too.

Have fun looking at the pictures. Diversify culture, race and nations. No discrimination. LoL

Minced pie strudels cheesecakes

Bunch of crazy loud smart Girls in Jim's Class

Linda and Miss V

favourite lecturer goes to JimHanlon

Left: Seval(Denmark) Rachel (China) Miss V (Malaysia) Seyi (Nigeria) Linda (Taiwan) Devran (Cyprus)

Merry Christmas in AdvANcE ! hAve A WonDeRfUl CeLEbRAtIOn!

Hugss aNd KissEs



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