Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Monday 8 December 2008


This is the first time I get in sick in Sheffield. It must be the rain. I always walk under the rain and there is no point using an umbrella because the wind is so strong that can blow the umbrella away. Surprisingly, my umbrella is still useable and good condition. Thanks to mum. My mum bought me super strong umbrella.

I lost my voice, cough and headache. I had to take tablets. I wished that dad was here to ask me to go see doctor. Mum would call up to ask me to drink more water. Grandma will always touch my forehead to see whether there is still fever or not. My sis would be my nurse feeding me with medicine and pouring water for me. As for my brother, he will definitely laugh at me but since he can drive now, he is the one who drives me to the clinic.

I don’t plan to see the doctor even though is free. I have to make appointment in the morning before I can visit the doctor. It is not like Malaysia, anytime or sesuka hati you can visit the doctor without making appointment. There is no such thing as 24 hours clinic in UK. The best thing is you don’t need to pay a single penny to visit the doctor. It is paid by the taxpayer in UK.

I really wished that Malaysia could have such system provided we have a good and clean government. It means no corruption and dirty tactics used in politics. Then the rakyat would have a good lifestyle and children can get free and good education. It the government is good and not corrupted, I think the taxpayers don’t mind paying more if it is for the benefit of everyone.

Even the children here, the city council will pay for their education. It means they are being paid to attend University. They even get grant and subsidiary. They only pay a minimum amount of fee to enter into University.

It is really good staying here. Though I am a foreigner, I am also entitled to the free medical checkup. As long as I am a full time student and registered with NHS, then everything is free. I just have to pay for the medicine.

That’s all for now. I just thought that blogging could help me to booze up my energy so that I don’t feel so sick and can carrying on with my studies.




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