Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Thursday 11 December 2008

Devran Birthday

This party took placed one week ago. I couldn’t blog about it because I didn’t have any pictures of the event. I finally got hold of the pictures today so is time to blog about it.

She is my Cyprus friend. We went to her house after our class. It was a great party as usual there is a lot of foods and definitely alcohol drinks. I enjoyed myself because I was really stressed throughout the week so it was a good time to hang out and I managed to meet some new friends from Bahamas and India.

As usual, I didn’t waste this opportunity to meet new friends. I managed to know this guy who is from India. The shocking thing that stunts everyone was both of us exchange contact numbers in less than 5 minutes. Everyone on the floor was looking at us with their mouth wide open.

We managed to clique so fast because I majored in Accounting and Finance. He is doing MBA and he needed help in his accounting and finance assignment. So I offered to help him which leads us to the exchanging number. Hahaha. He doesn’t have any accounts background. He is a computer engineer.

I had a fun night drinking and dancing. Surprisingly, I was drunk. This is the first time I got drunk. There is always a first time in everything. I wasn’t supposed to get drunk because I didn’t drink over my own limit. It was because I drank with an empty stomach and drank quite fast. I only had 3 cans of Carling and 4 glass of wine.

I only felt drunk when I reached home. I felt so horrible. I vomited in the toilet and my head was freaking pain. The next morning, when I woke up, Lauren had to force me to drink a large glass of Pepsi.

Here are some of the photos that we took. My face was red because I drank a lot.

Have Fun Enjoying looking at my silly pictures. I bet that you will be laughing like mad.

Big Group Photo


nAbIl and MiSs V

LiNdA and MiSs V

fRONt rOw: MarTin ReFeT sEAN
bACK rOw" ZaHiR Miss V nABiL sEYI lIndA dEvRan SEvEL sMaRtI


PhuiSaN aka MisS V


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