Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Monday 8 December 2008

CrAzy HouSemAtes

I have crazy housemates and you don’t want to stay with them unless you are as crazy as them. I admit that I am crazy too.

Staying in my house can be quite fun and cool. All of us do stupid things and will never agree or admit that it is stupid.

If you like sexy guys with buildup body or six packs, welcome to my house. I am telling you that Nate and John body are freaking sexy and good. The muscles and the packs they have, you will drop dead. Don't get jealous.

You can always see their underwear or boxers. It is all good brands ranging from playboy, zara and Levis. Nate always wears his jeans damn low and sometimes can fall off. So most of the times we can see the color of boxers he wear. Same goes to John but John is much better.

Pk, when ah pa come and stay in Jan, I bet ah pa would be like “Can’t you wear your jeans higher?”. I will have to remind him to put his jeans on and not walking with his underwear when you all come over. Then ah kor can be in the same gang as them. Hehehe.

Last Sunday, he ran out of underwear to wear because Lauren didn’t do the washing. He was so cross and upset. He cycled to John Lewis to buy new underwear. He is so crazy. I didn’t expect him to buy new underwear. He could have wash one and dry it at the heater. It only takes 10minutes for it to dry. I wanted to say “you can turn them inside out and wear it” but I didn’t say because I don’t want to piss him off.

Will you ever drive to Midvalley to get new underwear if it is run out because you didn’t put it into washing? I bet you won’t be that crazy.

Today, Nate came home. It was raining heavily outside and he stepped into the house and he started stripping. He only had his underwear on.

During dinner, he was baking pizza in the kitchen and only with his boxer on. Then we all had pizza in the kitchen. After he came out from the toilet, he walked off. The next minute he came back. I was looking at him because he finally has a towel to wrap around. I was like..the towel looks familiar. Folk sake (it is suppose to be Fuck but we pronounced it as folk) and I realize that towel which he is using is MINE. He said “I grabbed it from Vanessa’s room”.

I was like WHAT THE HELL. So I said “since you used it you have to wash it”. He was like.. “okie I will wash it”. I just used the towel for one day and he already dirties it.

Lauren sometimes can go crazy. We practically iron all the clothes and even those clothes that we wear at home. Guess what she irons? She irons Nate boxers and underwear. John said ‘I am not as crazy as you and what is the pointing of ironing it when no one sees it”.

Everyone has a set of keys for the main door. Nate hates to use the key so each time when he comes home, he will just knock on the door and I will have to open for him. He does it every day without fail. So I asked him “Why can’t you use the key to open the door?” He said “I just want to check on you whether you lock the door when there is no one in the house”. That is a lame excuse.

I am staying with this whole bunch of crazy people. I will tell you more next time. It is my bed time. I need to go to sleep now. If not, Nate will make hell loads of noise.

Have a good Laugh

Crazy people




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