Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Monday 20 October 2008

Planning for the future

All my friends have already started working and some is still searching for job and sending out their resume. Some still want to enjoy their holiday up to end of this year before starting to go through working life. That’s very true because once you start to work, you won’t be able to enjoy life unless you are the big boss or you inherit some big business from your family.

I was looking at my SHU card today. It expires on 30 October 2009. I started thinking about my rent, visa, work, living expenses, family and Malaysia. Though it is one year away, I have already started to work a plan for my future. You might think that I have nothing better to do because I don’t want to be a loser and wants to join the working society soon. I want to earn my own money and don’t want to rely on my parents anymore.


According to my friend who is doing Master, he said that the immigration officer will grant a one and a half year of visa for student taking up Masters.


My rental agreement is up to August 2009

Living expenses

Planning to get a part time soon once I am able to catch up with my studies. I don’t want to rely on my parents anymore as I just hate to ask money from them.


I will definitely miss my family.


The sunny sunshine, food and friends.

I spoke to my dad about my plan. I won’t be having any classes during summer because I will be busy writing up the dissertation. So by end of August, I would have to move out but will try to negotiate with my agent to let me to extend for another month. Then when I hand up my thesis, then I will start to move down to Birmingham or London. It all depends on my cousin.

My student visa will last me until March 2010. I was thinking whether to return to KL or continue to stay in UK. If I want to stay then I would have to apply for PSW and would have to go through another round of fuss and preparation of documentations.

I don’t want to limit myself in Sheffield. One thing good about Sheffield is that the cost of living here is low and I can afford to stay here. There is no high end retail shop here like LV, Gucci or Burberry. Life here is simple and less hectic as compared to London and other bigger cities. The working opportunity here is limited. There are not many big firm especially accounting firms here.

I want to expand and try my best to get a good job. I was thinking to apply for Big 4 but is not easy to get in. It is very rigid and their demand is very high. I would probably work in a medium firm and slowly climb up the ladder.

My dad just wants me to stay here for as long as I can and he would be happy if I can settle down here. He is not selfish or doesn’t mean that he kick me out of the house but want me to have a better living. He keeps saying that there are no work opportunities in KL and the pay is very low. We read an article comparing students who work in the fast food restaurant in Australia and UK can earn more than an engineer who is working in Malaysia. He keeps saying that there is no one working in Malaysia and everyone is talking about politics.

Both of us try to negotiate to come to an agreement. Since he is paying for my living expenses here, I agreed to continue to stay here for as long as I can. I promise to get a job and earn as much as I can. I want to give the money back to my parents.

This is just a plan. I can’t predict what will happen in the future. I really hope that the plan will go well. In three years time, I want to be a Chartered Accountant. By the age of 35, I want to have my own audit firm in Malaysia and to take over my dad’s firm.

To everyone out there who is reading this post, don’t give up as there is a long more way to go. Take everything as a challenge. Life would be bored without challenge. Each time you go through a challenge, treat yourself with a nice dinner. Hahaha. There are many obstacles in life but it does not mean it is end of the world. There will always be some clue for you to solve the puzzle.

Live is never simple and don’t take it as it is



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