Phuisan's Life

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Saturday 18 October 2008

House chores

I thought I would be able to escape from house chores once I leave my home sweet home. This is partially true. Sometimes I miss doing it. Every Saturday, without fail, my mum will ask me to clean the house up, wash the air ventilator, wash the tupperware and the list goes on. It is a never ending list. Now there is no one here asking me to do house chores. I would have to do it automatically.

When I was in Charlotte court, I had to do my own laundry, iron the clothes, vacuum the floor, wash my own toilet and clean the kitchen.

As you guys know, I am living with four locals in my house. They love to leave the dishes in the basin for a few hours and sometimes a day. If no one washes it, it will be lying in the basin. I have no choice but to wash it because I need to use the basin and I hate to see dishes stacking up. There is only one basin. If there are two basins, I won’t even bother to wash it for them. I practically wash it for them every day.

People always say go overseas to work. If you can’t get a job, then have to wash “Tai Peng” which means washing plates in the restaurant. I am washing plates without getting paid.

The toilet. There are three of us sharing the toilet. I always keep it clean. There is one theory that I still don’t understand. Why guys don’t flush after using it? I am sharing the toilet with two guys. They just don’t flush it and I get very irritated with it. I am the one who is always washing the toilet. Just hate it so much.

Mum would be probably very happy to hear me saying that I miss doing the house chores. LoL.

Please help



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