Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Thursday 2 April 2009

What to do?

Time flies. It is time to go back to UK. I wish that I can stop the time. So many things have been happening through my stay here. Things that I don’t want to touch and happen have already happened. I agree that certain things are uncontrollable and unavoidable. I just unpacked my luggage and now I have to pack again.

So many happy moments but it is always compliment by sad moments. The happy moments are spending time with families and hanging around with buddies. The sad thing is I am going back to UK in a week. I wish that everyday is 14th March. I am not sure when I am going to come back to Malaysia again. Hope the next time I come back is for good. I was planning to come back next year to celebrate Chinese New Year but my visa does not permit me to do so.

If I get a job there then it would be hard for me to come back. The thing that I miss the most will not be the food but will be my parents and siblings. I am sure that on the day I fly, I will be crying like there is no tomorrow. Maybe you need to force me to go back.

I am thinking what to say to my parents, brother and sister and friends. I have thought of the best gift to them. This time is going to be very hard. My heart is feeling so heavy now. I wish I could stay here longer. I wish the distance between UK and Malaysia is like from my house to Midvalley.

My heart is crying and I am trying to be strong. All I want to say that I love you!




Anonymous Anonymous said...

A man will pass one day. as long as u think u did wat u want..nothing to regret anymore

6 April 2009 at 10:42  
Blogger *~leAjoo~* said...

as long as you know what you you long you think that it's regrets

10 April 2009 at 21:49  

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