Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Thursday 12 March 2009


It has been ages since I last blogged. *Exaggerating* actually, just a few days. I will be leaving to Manchester Airport from Sheffield at 5.11 am. My feelings right now is extremely excited because the day has finally arrived.

A big sighed of relief because I have settled all my presentations. Now, I will have to work on my essays. Guess what? I did three presentations today. Each of the subject, I was the first presenter. Lecturers were impressed. As usual, is my same old “PhuiSan’s Presentation” again. It was straight to the point, no beating around the bush and no preparations.

I got my marks back today for three assignments. The feelings are 50:50. I should be happy and disappointed at the same time. I had four modules in last semester. There were two assignments which I scored quite good marks and was the highest in the class. So I am extremely happy. One of it, I didn’t score well but still in the range of 60ties, so I am a little disappointed.

Since this is a MASTER program, it is not easy to get distinction. If it is easy to get a distinction, then all the people in Ecclessall Road will have a Master certificate. Fair enough.

Okay, I am not going to whine about my assignment anymore. No more instant noodles, pasta, chips and pizza for twenty five days.

I am praying hard for a safe journey. I am sure that you can’t wait to see me. Looking forward to see my family and you you and you.

Tata for now. If by any chance, there is internet connection in Abu Dhabi, I will blog!

Stay Tuned!




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