Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Saturday 11 April 2009

Inspirational Messages

There are few text messages that I received from my family and friends which really touched my heart. When I read the messages, I couldn’t help but cried. The messages are very inspirational and touching. Thanks for all the prayers and wishes.

These are some of the messages that made me cried.


Don’t even get to sleep with you before you fly!


See you there in September. Wait for me!

Dad and Mum

All the best and study hard!


Have a safe journey. I am sure the nice memories in kl during your hols will always be cherished!


Just keep in touch with me. I will u all the best in getting the Master back for me

Ms Geh

Take care and keep in touch. Jangan Main Lagi. I will take care of your daughter well. See you in fb!


Here you are again facing separation. Always bear in mind that our friendship is rock solid. Don’t hesitate to tell me if you wanna talk to someone. Although I don’t show it, I do care for you. Hope you still remember how strong and courageous you were in pursuing your dream. We will be meting up soon again!


Gal, take care. All the best and jia you! May god bless you. Miss you and keep in touch. Don’t worry I will pray for your safe journey.


Gal, you must be in the plane now, flying to nowhere. Sorry for not sending you.

There are many other text messages. Thanks a lot. With all this encouragement, I promise that I will take good care of myself, never let you all down and you will never be disappointed. Thanks for having faith in me.

I will stay strong and fight till the end. Thanks for all the care and concern.

Loads of Love



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