Phuisan's Life

A blog which will drive your worries, sadness and stress away. Have fun reading. This is the best way for me to update you with my life!

Thursday 23 October 2008


Nothing is fair in this world. People are very materialistic and will do whatever they can do accomplish their goals. If you are smart in using tactics, then you can easily accomplish the goals. If you think that this world is perfect, then you are totally wrong. Even our fingers, none of it is at the same size or length.

During the first week of class, my professor said that we need to have two student representatives from our course. Definitely, in everyone hearts, would want to be one of them. Becoming a student representative will give an opportunity to the student to go beyond the boundaries.

Two guys volunteered to be the student rep. One girl said that it should be fair and it should be a guy and a girl. So we said we will think about it and sort this out next week.

The following week, it was the deadline and my professor was supposed to hand up two names. One of the guys didn’t want to be the student rep so one of my friends asked me to become one. Without much hesitation, I agreed.

I filled up the form and just have to attend one of the training sessions provided by the Hallam Union.

Last week, there is this girl by the name of F**. She asked about the student representatives post. Refet told her that the deadline was last week and he told her that he, Simon and I submitted the names for the student rep.

She got pissed off and turns to me and asked why we didn’t wait for her. I said the deadline was last week and you were absent from class. We have no choice. She said “It is so UNFAIR”. She talks like as if it is my fault for not waiting for her. She was absent last week and before this she didn’t mention that she has an intention to become one of the reps.

I think it was unfair to put the blame on me. I didn’t offer myself to be one. It was crystal who suggests that I should be one and the class agreed with it.

What you think? Was it her fault or my fault?

Life is never fair



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